Pablo Colella

Pablo Colella has close to two decades of experience specialising in the engagement and development of audiences within the culture industries. He is a recognised consultant with the Arts Marketing Association, is the UK Ambassador for the Artist Run Alliance and is an accredited arts audience researcher, published journalist, lecturer and public speaker, who has contributed to widespread arts accessibility practice.
As Lead Practitioner and Director of arts audience engagement consultants, Disconnected Bodies Ltd, Pablo collaborates with clients to widen reach, create impact and gain audience recognition. His expertise can support the growth of current and new potential audiences, anticipating their preferences and barriers to participation.
Pablo’s passion lies in working with small, start-up or early-stage projects to develop more relevant audience engagement strategies and in turn enabling more people to choose, create and take part in brilliant cultural experiences.
Creative United, London 2020
Read what the press had to say here.
The London Borough of Culture podcast
I host the official 'This is Croydon' podcast bonus episodes. This year-long community-led cultural programme showcases the best of Croydon culture from across the borough to the rest of London. Cutting-edge music, dance, theatre, heritage and art; we have it all.
On Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Arts Audience Specialism
(current positions)
Disconnected Bodies Ltd
Managing Director/Lead Consultant
Disconnected Bodies are leading arts audience psychology and engagement consultants that support both independent artists and artist-led spaces.
Working on the opinion that art without discovery moves nobody, and creation must be made accessible for consumption, they support clients who are looking to develop audience engagement planning for grant funding or who are working to enrich experiences, create impact and gain audience recognition for a longer term programme.
Creative United, London
Arts audience engagement advisor
Creative United is an entrepreneurial community interest company committed to supporting the growth and development of the arts and creative industries.
They work with partners across the public and private sectors to design and deliver programmes that enable economic growth and social impact.
Their vision is for artists, creative enterprises and cultural organisations to have access to the skills, advice and services they need to achieve their ambitions for growth and impact within their communities.
Arts Audience Insights CIC
Working to increase access to the arts for traditionally unengaged, underrepresented and discriminated audiences, Arts Audience Insights CIC partner with arts organisations, in conjunction with community groups and charities, to conduct psychographic research into an audience’s participation with the arts.
Their objective is to inform future approaches to audience development, allowing for more democratised participation with the arts; with the hope of contributing to Art Council England’s equality and public engagement work and future strategy.
Career Milestones
(Creative Industries)
Qafo Publishing
Creative industries publishing
Qãfo Publishing share stories of bravery, creative practice and self-expression. We look to inspire those facing self-belief barriers. We encourage risk taking and disruption of the status quo.
Current publications
JUDD - For the artistic practice of fashion design. Recognising the essential in fashion design; with all it's complexities and diversities, firmly distanced from seasonal trends and news content.
Female Trouble - Celebrating trouble makers. Female Trouble is for young women pushing the boundaries of possibility.
ADAM - Radical men. Documenting those men who have transcended limitations and rejected past identities.
The Qafo Project
Qãfo Publishing support emerging fiction writers through the distribution of their work into public spaces.
The Qafo Project aims to improve the general public's access to creative writing, whilst at the same time providing additional exposure for the writer. The Qafo Project is not-for-profit.
FE/HE Lecturing and Accredited Research
Lecturing & Public Speaking
Speaking is one of the most powerful forces in our society; stimulating hearts and minds. Whether lecturing in FE and HE or contributing to arts audience engagement conversations, I aim to spark thoughts of future possibilities in the minds of my students or audience.
Currently Course Team Leader for Creative Media and Journalism at Uxbridge College, Lecturer on Creative Industries Entrepreneurship at Norwich University of the Arts and Mentor in UAL's Mentor Programme and for Arts Emergency.
Accredited Arts Research
Research into the arts audience is crucial to support the industry moving forward. I pride my on my knowledge of contemporary arts audiences, their changing habits and the means of connecting with them. I work alongside arts audience R&D CIC, Arts Audience Insights to widen access for traditionally unengaged, underrepresented or discriminated groups. Key findings from research can be read here.
Research projects have included,
Arts Audiences: Establishing Opportunities for Engagement.
An Experimental Investigation of how Digital Engagement Can Deepen and Democratise Artistic Exchange with Audiences.
Audience Development: A Focus on Widening Participation.
Cultural Audiences: Concerns and apprehensions of returning to physical attendance.
Arts Council England - Learning Through the Pandemic: Audience and Community Engagement
Professional Development
Art Marketing and Management MA.
Birmingham City University. 2012
Creative Industry Management BSc.
Birmingham City University. 2006
Istituto Marangoni, Milan
Fashion Image and Business. 2017
The Made in Italy Mix of Fashion, Art & Design. 2019
MoMA, New York
Fashion as Design. 2020
Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art. 2020
Partners, Collabs & Memberships

Journalism & Writing

Video Production
Close to my Heart
Using any level of notoriety for good is unquestionably necessary. I am extremely fortunate to be in a position to support three charities that address societal challenges close to my heart; positive body image, dyslexia discrimination and teenage suicide prevention.
Teenage suicide prevention
Suicide is the biggest killer of young people in the UK.
PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. They exist to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.
Positive body image
Proud, established in 2017, supported the development of positive body image in young people. Through school workshops, Proud delivered guidance in recognising, addressing and overcoming poor body image and raised awareness of the concequencies prolonged lack of self-worth has on young people.
Unbelievably, in 2020, Proud lost it's funding. It is hoped that by 2024 Proud will be delivering the invaluable school workshops they once ran.
British Dyslexia Association
The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is the voice of dyslexic people. We aim to influence government and other institutions to promote a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential.
The BDA promotes early identification of specific learning difficulties (SpLD) and support in schools to ensure opportunity to learn for dyslexic learners.